Master Work Book Position Yourself Consist of Weekly Instructions of Identifing, Understading, Acknowledging the Issues of Your Heart, You Mind Set, Your Mental, Questions for you accepting who you are and the changes that are needed within ones-self. Prayers, and Scriptures to pray over yourself. and the Ebook for studying - Coming out of the Dark and into the Light.
Remeber this is a process be willing and intentional with patience, perservance and faith
Master Workbook Position Yourself
Master 90 Day Challenge Workbood
Master Work bood consist of Instructions, Assignments, Prayers, and scriptures. There are weekly assignment with instructions to position yourself to renew your mind take off layers and come out of the darkness of herdity traits, trends, generational curses and our own layers. When two or three are gathered togther God shows up in the midst. Unity is what God is calling for Get together with friends family bible studies, group studies of coming out of the dark and into the likeness of light God has called you to be.